20905 Fern DrIve
Lakeville, MN 55044
If you are a previous customer or vendor in our system we can show some love back! For every referral that leads to a sale we give you $10! With that said, please remind your referral to mention your name so you can automatically get $10! We have business cards with a referral section on the back to put your name, which helps us account for the referral. As long as you’re in our system as a previous customer or vendor, you get paid! We keep the accumulated credit in our system for the remainder of the fiscal year. If you are a vendor we we record your credits and pay you at the end of the fiscal year. Customer's rewards points are great, you can rack up as many points as you want and use them whenever you want! Keep in mind you will receive $10 that will accumulate on an account until you choose to apply that to an invoice.
*Disclaimer - Expire January 1st of each New Year, redeem valued credits during the year they accumulated, or we will mail you a check December of current year. You must be a previous customer in our system or call us to be set up on this program. This program includes services; auto detailing packages, marine detailing packages, shrink wrapping, boat transport. Excludes; inventory or parts, ie. HID kits and accessories, truck lighting concepts.